Thursday, August 6, 2009


Is a four people team, which during the 16 month period of DRL v.11 has developed this master thesis project under the title “Urban Reef”.

Using Maya hair dynamics a new pedestrian grid is formed which leaves building footprints. The pedestrian paths then weave through the built form.

The DRL(Design Research Laboratory) is a 16-month post-professional design programme at London's Architectural Association leading to a Masters in Architecture and Urbanism (MArch in Architecture & Urbanism) degree. For over a decade the DRL has been organised as an open-source design studio dedicated to a systematic exploration of new design tools, systems and discourses, targeted towards design innovations in architecture and urbanism. Learning in the studio is project-based and includes the development of comprehensive, year-long design projects supported by design workshops and seminars applying new forms of associative logic. Collective, self-organised design teams, organised within five parallel design studios, address an overall design research agenda through shared information-based diagrams, data, models and scripts.

Check out the website for some very cool stuff.

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