Sunday, August 2, 2009

- we will be meeting in room 604, every wednesday from 9.30 am until 2.30pm. additional time on mondays or fridays will be provided as required as your thesis 'heats up'.
- i have attached my presentation from monday for your reference.
have a look at miyake (folding textiles) and chalayan (interactive garments)
- our blog has been renamed
- all work is team-based and you therefore need to choose your team mate carefully as you will receive the same mark. my preference is for you to stay with your team mate for the whole project as I have found that the best projects (highest marks) are from consistant teams. In certain circumstance I may allow you to split your team into individuals but generally this produces weaker final thesis projects so i am reluctant to follow this option. I am flexible on this issue but cautious.
- our submissions will inlcude uploading images and text to the blog and copying files to my external harddrive. therefore your team will need a big USB stick or external harddrive. I will also provide you with many files from previous student work to help spring-board your projects to greater heights of architectural resolution -i.e. big external harddrive for movies, graphics etc
- we will start with systems (material and geometric) and textiles. please find a 'sexy' fabric that can be used for making architecture or more importantly, architectural models. the fabric can be found from fashion, industrial design, car, boat, aerospace or even building industries. the material must be flexible or malleable or strecthable or deformable as we will use it to make responsive marquettes. these marquettes (architectural scale models) are not yet architecture but rather deformable sculptures that respond to external forces. the simplest fabrics include latex, wire nets, rubbers, plastics for inflattables, PTFE, hybids, woven nets and weaves, stockings, mesh, lattices etc but please be extremely experimental in your selection - bring a selection to studio this coming wednesday
- have a look at inflatables, tension membranes, minimal surfaces, shells, grids and diagrids, frames and lattices,
- look at robert kronenburg's books on portable architecture
- look at interactive architecture and interaction design
- start collecting a list of cool websites that show research into avant garde, experimental, weird, material extreme architecture and send me the links for inlcusion into our blog
- look at the work from sciarc, aa emtec, eth zurich and columbia relating to robotics, interaction design , material systems, digital stuff etc
- start playing with animation software like 3dmax or maya, modelling software like rhino, have a look at mathematica's 3d graphics,
- finally, your thesis is a research project not the cummulation of 5 years of design - i want you to have a fresh approach to your architecture based on the most advance design thinking circulating to world - research broadly and play with software and hardware - the programme and site will be given to you in about a month. originality is more important that detailed design

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