Friday, September 10, 2010

Deep Impact Moon Capital ---- Mike Thomas

In the year 2069...

Life on the moon had become quite normal for the human race.

The Deep Impact project, a revolutionary lunar habitation concept had changed all that had gone before...

Unlike the outdated lunar habitation ideas already established such as the glass bubble or the 1950’s Buckminster Fuller dome in space, the Deep Impact project had challenged these ideas by conceiving a colony that could be built on Earth but could drop into the surface of the moon via a dropship which carried to the moon’s outer space.

The colony, the first of many, crashed into the side of a lunar crater using sonic technology to break up the rock up upon impact. Once inside the rock, the colony retracted it’s shape much like the late 20th century ‘Dynabolt’ to form it’s correct habitation position.

The Deep Impact project maintained that building a more sophisticated colony on Earth was easier than constructing a colony whilst already on the moon.

The threat of excessive heat or sudden meteor strike was ever a problem in lunar conceptual design. To counter this, the Deep Impact project devised large shields which stood at the entry to the colony. The shields could be closed at will which protected the colony from the above threats.

Above everything, the designer of the Deep Impact project was concerned with the quality of life within the colony. Unlike previous habition modules which separated the spaces via corridors, the project arranged all of the necessary spaces into one large unit. The colony was open and spacious, marking a change in the traditional claustrophobic design of outer space living. The designer maintained also that a quality living space always connects with the outside - regardless of what that might be. The living quarters were because of the this constructed within the rock but partially outside with views to the vast outer space.

1 comment:

Mike said...

WOW! Great project Mike!