Wednesday, June 20, 2012

We’ve chosen to expand the initial boundary of the site, in order to make more direct physical connections to its surroundings. The original site characteristics are not changed or made anew, but rather, explored to capitalise their potential. We want to work to maximise multiple use of spaces throughout the day by allocating programmes into hybrid configurations based on complimentary time cycles. It is important that activity is constant and not controlled by private or public rhythms.

The project attempts to challenge the verticality that has dominated the typology of high-rise residential, by exploring how this typology could be altered into a horizontally integrated volumetric density. We aim to design the site as the beginning node of a network of connected volumetric densities for the city, where each subsequent node to be configured by the program generator. Programs aim to be hybrids of multiple functions in the categories of: ‘Living’, ‘Educational’, ‘Commercial’, and ‘Leisure’, with consideration of existing activities which are already present in the site, and of time cycles and surrounding attractors such as, Flagstaff Gardens and the Victoria Market. Hybrid programs seek to enhance the experience of high density living, by simultaneously providing new public spaces accessible to the wider community.

We understand that hybrid program feed on the meeting point between the intimacy of the private sphere and the sociability of the public sphere, which is why we aim to offer a high degree of spatial affordance and appropriation possibilities through non-prescribed spatial design. We aim to develop, via Grasshopper, a fluid structural/material system to facilitate the exchange between private and public space through time cycles.We’ve chosen to expand the initial boundary of the site, in order to make more direct physical connections to its surroundings. The original site characteristics are not changed or made anew, but rather, explored to capitalise their potential. We want to work to maximize multiple use of spaces throughout the day by allocating programmes into hybrid configurations based on complimentary time cycles. It is important that activity is constant and not controlled by private or public rhythms.

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